Angry in the Great White North
Taking sloppy liberal thinking and tearing it a new one -- but always with a touch of class.

Weekly Archive: September 11, 2005 - September 17, 2005

September 17, 2005

Robertson vs Sheehan: Giving thanks for a liberal media
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Pat Robertson says something stupid. The media is after every major conservative figure for a reaction to the statements made by this major conservative icon. Cindy Sheehan says something stupid. The media says little, and no major liberal figure is...

September 16, 2005

Enviro-porn: Getting a woody for a tree
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OK, that was one God-awful pun. Sorry.enviro-porn, environmentalism, pornography, Tommy Hol Ellingsen, Leona Johansson...

Cindy Sheehan: Losing focus and playing the blame game
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Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Focus woman. It's Iraq. It's all about Iraq. That's where your son died. Remember him. Casey. In Iraq. But now she issuing "statements" on New Orleans. Oddly though, these statements seem to consist of the same statements...

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From the Associated Press (hat tip to Drudge):A woman accused in a multimillion-dollar armored car heist on the Las Vegas Strip surrendered to federal authorities Thursday, saying she was tired of more than a decade on the run and wanted...

Respecting picket lines
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Picketing is, of course, a time-honoured tradition:Picketing is a form of non-violent resistance in which people congregate outside a place of work or location where an event is taking place and attempt to dissuade others from going in ("crossing the...

What are plague mice doing at UMDNJ?
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Plague mice are missing from a lab at UMDNJ. The FBI is very familiar with the UMDNJ, given that they've been there quite a bit over the last few months investigating corruption and a string of thefts.

September 15, 2005

New Orleans Mayor gets almost Biblical
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New Orleans is coming back to life:The New Orleans central business district and the historic French Quarter will reopen over the weekend, nearly three weeks after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city, Mayor Ray Nagin said on Thursday. "We're ready to...

Student columnist fired for promoting racial profiling
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I guess that's part of being a student. Learning lessons. And Jillian Bandes learned an important lesson of keeping her mouth shut on a university campus in the United States.racial profiling, Jillian Bandes...

Ken Livingstone: Opens mouth, offends everyone, no news here
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Well, it might not be news when London Mayor Ken Livingstone manages to offend everyone within earshot, but it is amusing to watch the ease with which he does it. What did he do this time? He compared terrorist apologist...

The Minutemen face north
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The Phantom Observer has a story about the Minutemen, a group of private American citizens who have gained notoriety for patrolling the US-Mexico border on the lookout for illegal immigrants and terrorists, setting up a camp at the Canadian border...

Paul Martin: Smitten by celebrity
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Ever notice how smitten Prime Minister Paul Martin is by celebrities? It's kind of embarassing to watch. First, there is Bono. The PM treats Bono like he was some sort of head of state. Bono represents no one but Bono....

September 14, 2005

Ralph Goodale and Mark Holland: Economics geniuses
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No tax reduction on gas, because, you know, it won't make a difference. Plus expensive gas is good for the environment, dontcha know.Ralph Goodale, Mark Holland, oil, gas taxes...

Pierre Pettigrew: Stealing and lying
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Our minister of foreign affairs, Pierre Pettigrew, steals money and then lies about it. There is no sugar-coating it.Pierre Pettrigrew...

Daman Wayans: The Chickenhawk Meme -- Now X-rated!
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Daman Wayans, alleged comedian, is repeating the chickenhawk meme, in which he would send his sons to fight in Iraq if George W Bush sends the twins. Put aside all the logic about all-volunteer armies and so forth. Daman Wayans...

Do you have concerns about the Calgary Police Service?
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If so, consider submitting to this independent review.Calgary Police Service...

PETA brings back "Black people are animals" ads
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It's been a month, and PETA thinks the time is right, with all the charges of racism being flung about in the aftermath of Katrina, to bring back the "Black people are animals" ad campaign.

September 13, 2005

Might as well stop blogging now
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A Wal-Mart blog? Importing cheap opinions from China to be typed up by non-union fingers? Might as well stop blogging now.

McGuinty discovers the secret to treating all religious groups equally
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Apparently it is to treat them with equal measures of disdain....

Signing Apes
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In my piece about the possible up-side to being an isolated branch on the Tree of Life (if the Great Apes do indeed become extinct), one reader responded with what is probably the standard "Why we need to preserve apes?"...

Catholic Carnival
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This week's Catholic Carnival is up. My piece on the sharia law debacle in Ontario made the cut....

Great Canadian Blog Survery
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Take minute and fill it out ....

September 12, 2005

Christianity: Deception and Lies
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From Syracuse: Three Indonesian women who ran a Christian Sunday school program were convicted and sentenced Sept. 1 to three years in prison for allowing Muslim children to attend their school. The judges cited the Child Protection Act of 2002,...

Saving the Great Apes: A downside?
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Conservationists are ecstatic at the signing of an accord in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, that aims to stabilize, then increase, the populations of great apes. They are our closest living relatives, sharing 98.5% of our DNA heritage....

Flight 93: Losing out to the squid show
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More dishonour: Discovery Canada, the Canadian version of the Discovery Canada, did not carry "93". Probably thought it was too American. Instead we got to watch a program about a killer Mexican squid.

Gomery report delayed
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From CTV:Justice John Gomery's final report on the sponsorship scandal will be delayed by six weeks, likely pushing back the date of a federal election to March 2006 at the earliest. Prime Minister Paul Martin has promised to call an...

Al Jazeera remembers 9/11
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And remembers it in a way only Al Jazeera can, with all the "Blame Bush" and "It's America's fault" and "It was a conspriracy!" craziness it could muster. But in this case, it contracts the looniness from the US, from...

Faith-based arbitration in Ontario: Consistently wrong decisions
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I haven't written about this because I have to admit I was all over the map on this issue (good idea/bad idea/good idea/grrrr!). I think I understand why, now that Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has decided not only that there...

September 11, 2005

Remembering the Holocaust is offensive to some
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Remembering the Holocaust is offensive to Muslims, so better scratch that idea. But then Sir Iqbal Sacranie, one of those offended, seems to make it his business to be offended 24/7.Holocaust, Salman Rushdie, Iqbal Sacranie...