Angry in the Great White North
Taking sloppy liberal thinking and tearing it a new one -- but always with a touch of class.

Weekly Archive: September 04, 2005 - September 10, 2005

September 10, 2005

Katrina: Thankfully it didn't hit Canada on the long weekend
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Because you know the emergency guys are home doing the barbecue thing on the long weekend. Or maybe not. But whatever the truth, the comedy of errors that happened while the Navy was preparing to send a relief mission to...

September 09, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: Drawing the short straw
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Cindy Sheehan's tour of empty congressional offices continues. Today it was San Francisco, to meet with Senator Dianne Feinstein: Feinstein was not at her office and did not meet with Sheehan.Or not meet with her. Some unidentified staffer was there...

Kennedy and Leahy: Katrina suffering was John Roberts' fault
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Add "How do justify the excessive suffering you've caused in the hurricane zone because of your civil rights rulings?" to the list of dumb questions to be asked of John Roberts.

Katrina: Canucks to become pawns in the infighting?
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Canadian rescue teams doing great work in Louisiana are being held up as examples of what FEMA should have done. Let's not make them pawns in the infighting surrounding FEMA.

Jean Chretien: Was the target of a putsch
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The Globe and Mail is carrying a story about a planned putsch against Jean Chrétien had the Quebec Referendum on October 30, 1995 had gone in favour of separation. Recall that the vote was 50.6% against separation. I think the...

Michael Brown: From bad to worse [update]
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Now there are allegations that Michael Brown has padded his resume higher than engineers were padding leaking levees in New Orleans. Should he consider resigning? That would be an act of leadership in of itself.

September 08, 2005

OK, I made a mistake, but this one is a whopper!
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I haven't blogged today pending the resolution of the Carol Jamieson situation. Some people have told me that I was too harsh on myself, worried that I would lose confidence, but I've assured them that instead, I feel invigourated, having...

Retraction: An apology to Carol Jamieson and the Globe and Mail [updates]
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[The latest on the Carol Jamieson story] Based on information from a trusted source, I posted a story yesterday in which I repeated an allegation that Carol Jamieson was not a current member of the Conservative Party of Canada. This...

Retraction: Stay tuned for an important update
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Stay tuned... OK, it's up....

September 07, 2005

The Globe and Mail: Not letting the facts get in the way of a good story [retracted]
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Kanye West: A man under a lot of pressure
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Kanye West makes an appearance, and avoids apologizing. He blames all the pressure of the past week being too much for one human being -- namely himself. Whatever.

New Orleans: Police vs the Army -- Orders at odds
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New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is ordering his police force to empty the city:The mayor of New Orleans has ordered law enforcement agencies to remove from the city everyone who is not involved in cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina, whether...

FEMA: Spinning the disaster recovery effort
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The Smoking Gun has a copy of a directive from Michael Brown, Federal Emergency Management Agency boss, to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, in which Brown directs personnel assigned to disaster work to "convey a positive image".

Cindy Sheehan: Advised to cancel another event
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Cindy Sheehan is advised to cancel her appearance to protest the Blue Angels demonstration at Brunswick Naval Air Station in Maine. My thinking is that the optics were bad, and her media handlers want to make sure Cindy Sheehan is never upstaged in public.

September 06, 2005

Katrina: Louisiana Superdome to come down
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From CNN:The Louisiana Superdome was so heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath that it likely will have to be torn down, according to a spokesperson for Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. Katrina sheared away much of the roof's covering,...

Katrina: A word to those who are providing shelter
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People providing private shelter to refugees are reminded to get in touch with FEMA. The agency needs to know who is where so that families can be reunited, and so that areas are not short-changed on aid.

Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND): America's answer to Robin Hood?
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Senator Byron Dorgan of North Dakota, Democrat, introduced a bill before Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and severely disrupted Gulf Coast oil refining. The bill would tax oil company profits and use the money to promote efficiency, alternative fuels, lower fuel costs, and so on and so forth.

Katrina: The Loony Left and US concentration camps
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Even as the more horrible stories out of New Orleans are being revealed to be fabrications, the hard left is increasing the decibel level of their out-of-control rhetoric.Katrina, New Orleans, concentration camps, Superdome, Godwin's Law...

Katrina: The UN should stay away, or so says a UN report
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Paul Volcker, the former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman, will be releasing the report on the UN Oil-for-Food scandal. It does not look good for the UN. A remember, this is the UN's own report.Katrina, Oil-for-Food, Paul Volcker, United Nations, Kofi...

September 05, 2005

Katrina: Clinton blames Bush, Nagin praises Bush
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Two views of the President in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. From DC, New York Senator Hillary Clinton wants a commission formed to blame Bush. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin says Bush was hobbled by state and local leaders.

Katrina: More Canadians on the way
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Fom Reuters:U.S. authorities trying to cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have asked Canada to send bed, blankets, gloves and other medical supplies, government officials said on Sunday. The Americans also requested gowns, batteries, needles, surgical dressings, bandages, tongue...

Katrina: UN says US to accept help
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With word of the troubles with the relief effort, adding the UN's legendary inefficiency (and worse) seems like a bad idea.

September 04, 2005

Paul Martin: Worse than Hugo Chavez?
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This commentary by Hartley Steward for the Toronto Sun:We have come to this. It is possible, in this time of Canadian political turmoil, to believe that our Prime Minister was afraid to quickly respond with condolences and offers of help...

Cindy Sheehan: A new approach to criticism
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The old Cindy Sheehan didn't care if she wasn't welcome. She wasn't welcome by the majority of people in Crawford, but she didn't care, and camped out for a month, demanding to see the President. The new Cindy Sheehan has...