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The Abotech Affair: Frank Brazeau has friends

As you may know, Frank Brazeau was the bureaucrat at Consulting and Audit Canada who was suspended without pay as a result of his yet unrevealed participation in the Abotech affair. Abotech is a computer consulting firm once run by Liberal MP David Smith, representing the riding of Pontiac. Since June 2004, his wife has been running the firm from the family home, and David Smith professes no knowledge of what is going on in the company.

Abotech has had several contracts with the federal government terminated as a result of an audit performed by KPMG at Public Works and Government Services Canada. Public Works Minister Scott Brison insists that Abotech did nothing wrong, but that the contracts were improperly awarded.

Frank Brazeau is being blamed for that mistake and is paying the price.

What makes the story interesting is that Frank Brazeau and David Smith are cousins. Moreover, one of Frank Brazeau's responsibilities at CAC was to report on aboriginal set-asides, contracts that are reserved for aboriginal businesses. David Smith claims to be an aboriginal, and that Abotech meets the definition of an aboriginal business, claims hotly disputed by the Kitigan Zibi band in Maniwaki where David Smith grew up.

There are many facets to this story, and until the truth comes out, we won't know what was significant and what wasn't. For a full list of articles on this blog, peruse this catalog.

So what did this supporter of Frank Brazeau say?

  • None of the contracts were set-asides, but there was a serious problem in the way CAC was awarding contracts.
  • Frank Brazeau is being punished even though he can't sign contracts.
  • There was a probe at the RCMP and there was no wrong doing by Brazeau. Management is embarassed about the issue and are scared of legal reprisals.
  • Frank Brazeau has a huge civil suit lodged against the Crown and the media (no specifics provided).
  • The government is sitting on this story until after the election.
  • This person thinks the Abotech contracts were legitimate.
  • "Frank Brazeau was an extremely hard working individual and I am tired seeing his name dragged in the mud. I don`t care about Abotech, Smith, the Liberals or Conservatives. All I want is for his reputation to be restored. He is a great person and does not deserve all this negative publicity."

You can see the original posts here.

All that Abotech research for nothing? Well, if that's the truth of the matter, then that's it. Of course, this person has a certain point of view, and access to a certain amount of information. I'm still interested to see what the Ethics Commissioner comes up with with the resources at his disposal.

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