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Cindy Sheehan: A call to review her tax-exempt status

From the National Review:

GSFP currently is registered as a 501C3 non-profit organization. When arriving in Crawford, Sheehan spoke for the group when she called for President Bush’s impeachment. She has also demanded “answers” from President Bush on a daily basis. As the Associated Press reported on August 8th, “We GSFP members will not leave until we get answers from George Bush. We deserve and expect him to welcome us with answers to as why our loved ones are dead.”

However, the IRS has established the following guidelines on 501C3 organizations and political activity: “If any of the activities (whether or not substantial) of your organization consist of participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office, your organization will not qualify for tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3). Such participation or intervention includes the publishing or distributing of statement.”

Seems pretty straighforward to me.

I have another question as well. From the GSFP website:

Gold Star Families for Peace are working to Raise awareness in the United States about the true human costs of the invasion/occupation of Iraq. All donations to Gold Star Families for Peace will be used to assist families who have been impacted by the war. GSFP is a 501C3 non-profit organization

Assist how? How is "impacted" defined? Is there a litmus test before assistance is provided (no assistance for Republicans, for example)? Or does assistance mean handing money over to and Code Pink? Is that allowed by the rules governing a 501(c)(3) organization?

I'd love to see the books on GSFP.

(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin)

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