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Cindy Sheehan: True story or freeper fantasy?

"Freeper" is the name given to people who visit the right-wing site Free Republic. Needless to say, they have not been very supportive of Cindy Sheehan.

I wonder if the following exchange that took place on the Rush Limbaugh radio program, the transcript of which is available on a page tellingly called "Are These Callers for Real?", describes actual events, or is just a attempt to smear the Sheehan supporters:

RUSH: You spoke with Cindy Sheehan? Did she cuss you out?

CALLER: No, but I gotta tell you: if they find out out there, they're not the nice people that CNN is showing. I saw them go over and just about attack a young girl who was very distraught because her brother had died in Iraq, and they had all those crosses up, and his name was on the cross. So the mother and the sister came out to remove that. They didn't want him to be a part of that, and so they encircled her, tried to stop her from being able to get the cross, she finally did. They were just about at the point of attacking her, told her that her brother was a murderer, that he had killed innocent people, and that he died for nothing.

RUSH: (Laughing.) Oh, God.

I haven't seen a description of a similar encounter, though interestingly, such resistance to those who want the crosses down was suggested by Sheehan supporters.

Unless such an event is witnessed and reported by someone with a bit more credibility than a radio-show caller, or is photographed or caught on video, I'll chalk this one up to "Could have happened, wouldn't surprise me if it did happen, but until someone shows me otherwise, I suspect it didn't happen."

If you have any info, let me know.

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