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Two commencement speeches in contrast

From Neil Armstrong to the graudating class of University of Southern California (hat tip to Instapundit):

Armstrong, the first man to walk on the surface of the moon, delivered the main commencement address, telling graduates to remain true to themselves no matter what.

"Some things are beyond your control," Armstrong said. "What are not easily stolen from you, without your cooperation, are your principles and your values. They are your most important possessions, and if carefully selected and nurtured will well serve you and your fellow man."

Armstrong, who graduated from USC with a master's degree in aerospace engineering in 1970, also congratulated the graduates on their accomplishment, saying they must have felt they "labored for eons."

From abortionist Dr. Henry Morgentaler to the graduating class of the University of Western Ontario:

When I look back on my life, I can do it with a sense of pride in my achievements.

I have helped to remove from the criminal code, a law which condemned women to danger of death and injury.

I have built eight abortion clinics across the country where women have been able to get safe abortions in an atmosphere of compassion and understanding.

I have personally helped thousands of women over the years, with a very low complication rate and without a single fatality. Women in Canada no longer have to fear that a pregnancy at an inappropriate time may put them in danger of death or injury if that pregnancy must be terminated.

I have trained over one hundred doctors in the vacuum suction technique which I pioneered in Canada.

Having known myself the depth of human depravity and cruelty, I have done what I could to build a society where hate would be replaced by love; cruelty with kindness and irrationality with reason.

Notice the difference?

Morgentaler spends the entire speech talking about himself. Read it for yourself if you don't believe me. Not once does he offer advice or congratulations to the student body graduating.

He doesn't even acknowledge them in his opening remarks!

I have to say, apart from the subject matter, Dr. Morgentaler's speech is easily an example of the worst possible commencement speech that can be delivered to a body of graduating students. They might has well have been at home watching TV for all Morgentaler cared.

It's clear that Morgentaler does not recognize the unborn as people. But I wonder if he even recognizes people as people.

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