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Buckets doesn't understand the Blogger's Creed

The blog Buckets of Grewal has made quite the name for itself with its tireless analysis of the Grewal tape controversy. Of course, one of the issues has been whether a deliberate attempt has been made to alter the tapes in order to re-write history, as it were.

It seems like the author of Buckets of Grewal is the right person for the job, given his attempts to toss embarrassing information down the memory hole. From the Invisible Hand:

Recently, Rempelia Prime drew attention to a story which revealed how "scary" Christians are taking over Liberal nominations, not just Conservative ones. He challenged Buckets of Astroturf to update his/her "Running list of so-con nominees" to include the Liberal candidates, not just the Conservatives.

Shortly thereafter, Buckets' list disappeared.

Update: I posted the following comment in Buckets' (comfy and furry) Welcome thread.

Buckets, would you be able to comment on why this post was deleted?

(It's still available via Google's cache and the comment page.)

My comment was deleted within fifteen minutes.

It goes on in an almost amusing fashion.

Deleting comments is appropriate in the case of extreme abusiveness, and of course, for spam. A legitimate question should never be deleted. Even a foolish question should never be deleted.

Buckets of Grewal should be held to the standards of blogging. There is no fine or punishment of course, other than to make it clear to the community that his actions, if accurately portrayed here, are unacceptable. It may be through ignorance, in which case this is an oportunity for him to learn.

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