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So Stephen Harper was on the road to Damascus one day...

Stephen Harper has had an epiphany**:

Deputy party leader Peter MacKay says for all kinds of reasons, people have a misperception of Harper.

MacKay says Harper is smart, honest, hard working and funny.

But he adds Harper has come to realize that to win an election people have to like you.

I'm glad that realization has gotten through. MacKay was speaking light-heartedly, of course. Stephen Harper knows you have to be liked, but I think he's starting to understand the quality of being "liked" by strangers, instead of just admired or respected. I'm hearing too much from too many corners about Stephen Harper's "wonkiness". I've written about the need for leadership, not just pizzazz or competency. Obviously his people have been listening as well. (Perhaps reading this blog? Ah, come on, it could happen!)

The federal Conservative leader will criss-cross the country this summer, trying to bolster his image and counter complaints from some Tories about a recent dramatic decline in party popularity.

So, the Tory leader will be hitting the barbecue circuit like never before, glad-handing his way from one event to another.

MacKay says Harper will also spell out some of the party's more positive positions on health care, child care, the economy, trade and other issues.

Maybe he'll come to my barbecue. Better keep the backyard tidy just in case.

Though I'm pleased by what I'm seeing here, the last line does bother me a bit. He does need to illuminate the Tory position on these issues, but I'd like to see more vision as well. Can Canada be different? Must we be afraid of that? Can we not see that the status quo is not working?

Question: Will the press play ball and give Stephen Harper the air time he deserves?

Regardless of whether the press does, I'll be looking over the speeches with interest. Despite my criticisms, I do believe Stephen Harper can pull this off. But he needs help and feedback. So let's all watch and listen and post what we like and don't like. Every little bit helps.

** epiphany: A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: “I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself” (Frank Maier).

An epiphany is a powerful experience -- I'm hoping that this is what we're seeing here.

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