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Dangerous secrets of Stephen Harper revealed!

From a column in, Murray Dobbin reveals this bombshell:

But it was an article in the National Post a few days after the 2000 election that exposed the real Stephen Harper. In the article, Harper revealed his admiration for free-enterprise Alberta and his contempt for the rest of Canada: "Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its services to mask its second-rate status."

There is nothing on the public record to suggest Stephen Harper has changed his radical views.

My reaction was immediate.

Screaming at the announcement of the obvious.

No wait. That's not the reaction to someone telling me the bleeding obvious. That's the reaction to something that comes as a surprise and as a shock.

The fact is, the Conservatives can't win by masquerading as Liberals. They will have to be out front and honest about their philosophy and work hard to convince the electorate that it will not spell the end of the world, just the end of their world of government dependence.

I think given the chance, Canadians might actually like that.

Then it will be people like Murray Dobbin who will be doing the screaming.

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